The Scorpion
THE SCORPION was an English language magazine of metapolitics
and culture which appeared roughly yearly, each issue dealing with a
particular subject (e.g., imperialism, ecology, regionalism) from
a perspective opposed to modernism and globalism.
We can be reached by email.
If you wish, you can download a pdf of Issues 1-19 (517 MB).
Or on a smaller scale, here are some articles from the most recent and past issues:
Issue 24
Presumptions of Democracy
- "Democracy We Presume?" by Dominic
Campbell. What is it, in theory and practice?
- Reviews:
- "Only Connect". A review by Dominic
Campbell of Critiques Théoriques, by Alain de Benoist.
- "Behind the Demos". A review by Andrew
Webster of The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy, by
Nesta Webster.
- "Paint It Black", a review of Many
Shades of Black: Inside Britain's Far Right, by John Bean.
Issue 23
- "Justice: Who is She?" by Dominic
Campbell. Crime and Punishment and the Meaning of Natural Balance.
- Reviews:
- "Happy Families". A review by Tony
Glaister of The Politics of Human Nature, by Thomas Fleming.
- "Peace of Resistance", a review by
Dominic Campbell of Gandhi and Godse A Review and a Critique, by
Koenraad Elst.
- "Traditional Emancipation", a review by
Troy Southgate of Man and Woman in Revolt against the Modern
World by Baron Julius Evola.
- "Being at that Time" a review by Paul
Shepherd of Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, by Hugo Ott.
- "Killing the Messenger", a review by Jared
Taylor of Race, Intelligence and Bias in Academe, by Roger
- "Legendary Feasts", a review by Troy
Southgate of Tyr- Myth Culture and Tradition (Volume 1, 2002).
Issue 22
Ecce Homo
- Editorial.
- "Courage Style Aristocracy," by
Dominic Campbell. An attempted reckoning with Friedrich Nietzsche.
- Nietzsche's Main Works: A bibliographical sketch.
- "Dynamic Optimism," by Michael Young. Another view of a man who defies neutrality.
- In his own Words: Quotations from Nietzsche's works.
- It happened one Gloomy Night
- Points taken
- On the wall
- Reviews
- The Grape Vine, by Loki.
Issue 21
The Darwin Inheritance
- Editorial
- "The Darwin Inheritance," by Dominic Campbell. A
look at the issues involved in the unending "Darwin Debate."
- "Ludwig Woltmann & German Darwinism," by Alain de Benoist. A look at the
life and thought of an early proponent of social Darwinism.
- "'Races do not Exist,'" by Charles Champetier. Scientific responses to a
widespread sophism.
- Readers' Symposium
- "On the Wall" -- News Items from around the world.
- Points Taken
- "German Socialism as an Alternative to
Marxism", by Dr. Alexander Jacob. The political thought of the
"cultural pessimist" Oswald Spengler and the socialist writer Werner
- Manifestos
- Reviews
- "Back to the Future", a review of
L’archeofuturisme, by Guillaume Faye.
- Other reviews cover Civil War Two by Thomas Chittum, The Impulse
of Power by Michael W. Kelley, Gabriele D'Annunzio by John
Woodhousey, A History of Pagan Europe by Prudence Jones and Nigel
Pennick, Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Post-war Fascist
International by Kevin Coogan, Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil
Postman, and Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley.
- "The Grape Vine," by Loki.
Issue 20
The Name of Frailty?
- Editorial
- "In Praise of Fair Women," by Dominic Campbell. A comprehensive and accepted
view of the future role of Man and Woman in a future society is essential to
anyone who rejects the modern world.
- "The Case of Isaac Newton". Alexander Jacob points to a little known but
influential source of philosemitism and egalitarianism in the man who
explained the falling apple.
- On the Wall
- Manifestos
- Readers Symposium
- Reviews:
- "Who's a Genius?", a review by Dominic Campbell of Hitler's
Priestess, by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke.
- "Right On!", a review by Christian Rogler of Deutschlands
Rechte-Ordnungs und Gestaltungsauftrag, by Rolf-Josef Eibicht.
- "The Man Behind It All", a review by Jim Harraway of Goebbels:
Mastermind of the Third Reich, by James Lubinskas
- "A Page in My Life," a review by Dominic Campbell of The Books in My
Life, by Colin Wilson.
- "Green Leaf", a review by Dominic Campbell of A Mirror of England, an
Anthology of the Writings of HJ Massingham, by Dominic Campbell.
- "The Grape Vine", by "Loki."
Issue 19
For an New Education
- Editorial
- "For a New
Education", by Dominic Campbell.
- "The
Neo-conservative Reich of Edgar Julius Jung", by Alexander Jacob.
- Manifestos
- On the Wall
- Readers Symposium
- Reviews:
- "Who's a
Genius", a review by Mark Ashton of Schockley on Eugenics and
Race, by Roger Pearson.
- Review by Mark Ashton of The Social Meaning of Modern Biology from
Social Darwinism to Sociobiology, by Howard Kaye.
- "A Deeper
Shade of Green", a review by Dominic Campbell of Environmentalism and
Political Theory, by Robyn Eckersley.
- "Where do you come from? Where do you go?", a review by Peter White of
The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler.
- "Do you Remember me?", a review by Jim Harraway of Diaries, by
Alan Clark, and Storm Command, by General Peter de la Billiere.
- "Teaching
by Numbers", a review by Robin Waterfield of The Great Triad, by
Rene Guenon.
- "How right is right?", a review by Dominic Campbell of Enoch Powell: A
Biography, by Robert Shepard.
- "The Grape Vine", by "Loki."
Issue 18
The Power and the Glory
- "The Power
and the Glory", Dominic Campbell on the nature of power.
- "Carl
Schmitt and Democracy", Paul Gottfried on the German antiliberal thinker.
- "Dry
and Brown Greens", review of a book on the connection between ecological
thought and the far right.
- "Space
Invaders", review of Peter Brimelow's Alien Nation.
- "The
Greening of the West", review of Qathafi's Green Book.
- "Erkenne
Dich Selbst", review of Richard Wagner and the Antisemitic
Imagination, by Marc A. Weiner.
- "Empire
Invisible", short notice of renewed availability of in German of Evola's
The Mystery of the Grail.
- "Bed Time
Book of Famous Beasts", review of Fascism in the Oxford
Readers series.
- "Cross
Purposes", review of Alan Morrison's The Serpent and the Cross:
Religious Corruption in an Evil Age.
- "Corsets
and Old Hat", review of Volk, Nation, der Westen und die Neue
Rechte by Mark Terkessidis.
- "Animal
Farm", review of Die McDonaldisierung der Gesellschaft by George
- "Siege
Mentality", review of Siege: The Collected Writings of James Mason
by George Ritzer.
- "Canonballs",
review of Harold Bloom's The Western Canon: The Books and Schools of the
- "Life after
West", review of Alain de Benoist's Europe, Tiers Monde Meme
Issue 17
To Dream of Empires
- "Dream of
Empires", Dominic Campbell on the nature of empires and imperialism.
- "The
Grapevine", a column by "Loki", with his own reflections on Empire.
- "The Peoples
of Europe: Corsica", by Giuse Centophani.
- "Capital
Culture", an account of Northern European aesthetics in the National
Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C.
- "Tradition
in Revolt", Karl Richter's review of Revolt against the Modern
World, the major work of Julius Evola.
- "European
Blues", a review-essay on The Making of the Old Southern Sound,
Bluegrass Blues, by Robert Cantwell.
- "A Hell of
a Journey", a review of A Life of Sir Richard Burton, by Fawn
- "War
Games", a review of Churchill's War, by David Irving.
- "Eclectics
in Perspective", a review of the publications Perspectives and
Fourth World Review.
- "See no
Evil", a review of Spoken in Darkness by Ann E. Imbrie.
- "Peaceful
German Empire?", a review of Friedensmacht Deutschland, Plaedoyer fuer
einen neuen Patriotismus, by Alfred Mechtersheimer.
- "Murder, He
Said", a review of Who Murdered my Father, Rudolph Hess, by
Ruediger Hess.
- "Just an
Ordinary Muse", a review of two volumes of collected poems and letters by
Philip Larkin.
- "You will
be Harmonised!", a review of Merrie England-2000 by Colin Jordan.
- "Out of
Order", reviews of Hunter and A Candidate for the Order.
- "Loquacious
to Effect", a review of two poetry books.
- "The Right
Set", a review of the journals of Anthony Powell.
- "Prayer
before Birth?", a review of God, a self-published book by
- "Bayreuth
Revisited", a review of Richard Wagner: Visionen, Werk, Weltanschaung,
Deutung by Professor Karl Richter.
- "Romantic
Reich", a review of the music of Frank Rennicke.
- Letters
from readers.
Issue 15
The State?
Other Publications
The play "Hitler's Temptation" by Dominic Campbell, editor
of The Scorpion, is available in paperback
for $12.50.
If you wish to support us, and are interested in any of the books we
review (or any others), we suggest buying them through; a
portion of the purchase price will go to The Scorpion.